Pattern Won-hyo

Won-hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year of 686 A.D.

Movements: 28

Ready stance: Close ready stance A

  1. Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a right L-stance while executing a twin forearm block.
  2. Maintain the right L-stance toward B and execute a high, inward, strike with a knife-hand while pulling the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
  3. Slip the left foot straight toward B into a left fixed stance while executing a side, punch with the forefist.
  4. Move the left foot to the side of the right foot while facing D. Pivot on the left foot and turn clockwise; move the right foot toward A into a left L-stance while executing a twin forearm block.
  5. Maintain the left L-stance toward A and execute a high, inward, strike with a knife-hand while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder.
  6. Slip the right foot straight toward A into a right fixed stance while executing a side, punch with the forefist.
  7. Move the right foot to the side of the left foot while facing D. Form a right bending ready stance type A to D.
  8. Execute a left, side piercing kick D. At the same time execute a high, left punch with the forefist.
  9. Lower the left foot toward D into a right L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  10. Move the right foot toward D into a left L-stance, while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  11. Move the left foot toward D into a right L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  12. Move the right foot toward D into a right walking stance while executing a front, thrust with a straight fingertip, pulling the back of the left fingertips under the right elbow.
  13. Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward E into a right L-stance while executing a twin forearm block.
  14. Maintain the right L-stance toward E and execute a high, inward, strike with a knife-hand while pulling the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
  15. Slip the left foot straight toward E into a left fixed stance while executing a side, punch with the forefist.
  16. Move the left foot to the right foot while facing C. Pivot on the left foot and turn clockwise, move the right foot toward F into a left L-stance while executing a side, twin forearm block.
  17. Maintain the left L-stance toward F and execute a high, inward, strike with a knife-hand while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder.
  18. Slip the right foot straight toward F into a right fixed stance while executing a side, punch with the forefist.
  19. Move the right foot to the side of the left foot, while facing C and leaving the right arm extended toward F. Move the left foot toward C into a left walking stance toward C while executing a reverse circular block with the inner forearm toward CF.
  20. Execute a right, low, front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as they were in move 19.
  21. Lower the right foot toward C into a right walking stance while executing a reverse, punch with forefist.
  22. Maintain the right walking stance toward C and execute a reverse circular block with the inner forearm to CE.
  23. Execute a left, low, front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as they were in move 22.
  24. Lower the left foot toward C into a left walking stance while executing a reverse, punch with forefist.
  25. Pivot on the left foot into a left bending ready stance type A to C.
  26. Execute a right, side piercing kick to C. and at the same time execute a high, right punch with the forefist.
  27. Lower the ball of the right foot on the CD line. Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a right L-Stance while executing a guarding block with the outer forearm.

While executing move 28 shout “Won-hyo” as a ki-hap and remain in this position until given the next command.

  1. Move the ball of the left foot to the side of the right foot while facing D. Pivot on the left foot and turn clockwise; move the right foot toward A into a left L-stance while executing a guarding block with the outer forearm.

Pa-ro: Move the right foot back to the Ready stance.