Pattern Diagram Toi-gye

Toe-gye is the pen name of the noted scholar Yi Hwang (16th century), an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 movements of the pattern refer to his birthplace on the 37th latitude, the diagram + represents "scholar".

Movements: 37

Ready stance: Close ready stance B

  1. Pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward B into a right L-stance while executing a reverse, side, block with the inner forearm.
  2. Slip the left foot straight toward BC into a left walking stance to B, while executing a reverse, thrust with the upset fingertip to B, at the same time pulling the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.

Perform move 3 in a slow motion

  1. Pivoting on the right foot and turning clockwise, move the left foot to the side of the right foot into a close stance to D, while executing a right, side, back strike with the backfist toward C, at the same time extending the left arm to the side, downward. 
  2. Pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, move the right foot toward A into a left L-stance while executing a reverse, side, block with the inner forearm.
  3. Slip the right foot straight toward AC into a right walking stance to A, while executing a reverse, thrust with the upset fingertip to A, at the same time pulling the right side fist in front of the right shoulder.

Perform move 6 in a slow motion

  1. Pivoting on the left foot and turning counterclockwise, move the right foot to the side of the left foot into a close stance to D, while executing a left, side, back strike with the backfist toward C, at the same time extending the left arm to the side, downward.

Perform move 7 and 8 in a continuous motion

  1. Move the left foot toward D into a left walking stance while executing a pressing block with an X-fist.
  2. Maintain the left walking stance and execute a high, vertical punch with a twin forefist to D.
  3. Execute a right front snap kick to D, keeping the position of the hands as they were in move 8.
  4. Lower the right foot toward D into a right walking stance to D, while executing a punch with the forefist to D.
  5. Maintain the right walking stance and execute a reverse, punch with the forefist to D. 

Perform move 12 in a slow motion

  1. Move the left foot to the side of the right foot and turning counterclockwise, into a close stance to F, while executing a thrust with a twin side elbow.

Perform move 13 through 18 in a stamping motion

  1. Pivoting on the left foot, and turning counterclockwise, move the right foot toward F into a sitting stance to C, while executing a right, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm.
  2. Pivoting on the right foot and turning clockwise move the left foot toward F into a sitting stance to D, while executing a left, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm.
  3. Pivoting on the right foot and turning clockwise move the left foot toward E into a sitting stance to C, while executing a left, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm.
  4. Pivoting on the left foot, and turning counterclockwise, move the right foot toward E into a sitting stance to D, while executing a right, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm.
  5. Pivoting on the right foot and turning clockwise move the left foot toward E into a sitting stance to C, while executing a left, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm.
  6. Pivoting on the right foot and turning clockwise move the left foot toward F into a sitting stance to D, while executing a left, inward, W-shape block with the outer forearm. 
  7. Move the ball of the right foot to the side of the left foot facing D. Then pivoting on the right foot, move the left foot toward D into a right L-stance while executing a low, reverse, side, pushing block with the double forearm.
  8. Slip the left foot straight toward FD into a left walking stance to D, while extending both hands upward to D, as if to grab the opponents head.
  9. Execute an upward kick with the right knee to D, while pulling both open hands downward to the same level as the elbows.
  10. Lower the ball of the right foot to the side front of the left foot. Then, pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward C into a right L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  11. Execute a low, left, side, front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as they were in move 22.
  12. Lower the left foot toward C into a left walking stance while executing a high, thrust with a flat fingertip.
  13. Move the right foot toward C into a left L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  14. Execute a low, right, side, front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as they were in move 25.
  15. Lower the right foot toward C into a right walking stance while executing a high, thrust with a flat fingertip. 
  16. Move the right foot toward D into a right L-stance to C while executing a side, back strike with a backfist to D and a reverse, low, block with the outer forearm toward C.

Perform move 29 in a jumping motion

  1. Jump toward C into a right X-stance toward A, while executing a pressing block with and X-fist to A.
  2. Pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, move the right foot toward C into a right walking stance while executing a high, block with the double forearm.
  3. Pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward B, into a right L-stance while executing a low, guarding block with a knife hand.
  4. Slip the left foot straight to BC into a left walking stance toward B, while executing a reverse, circular block with the inner forearm to BD.
  5. Move the ball of the left foot to the side of the right foot while facing D. Pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, move the right foot toward A into a left L-stance while executing a low, guarding block with a knife-hand.
  6. Slip the right foot straight to AC into a right walking stance to A, while executing a reverse, circular block with the inner forearm to AD.
  7. Pivot on the balls of both feet into a left walking stance to BD, while executing a reverse, circular block with the inner forearm to D.
  8. Pivot on the balls of both feet into a right walking stance to A, while executing a reverse, circular block with the inner forearm to AD.

While executing move 37 shout “Toe-gye” as a ki-hap and remain in this position until given the next command.

  1. Pivoting on the left foot move the right foot on the AB line, turning counterclockwise, into a sitting stance to D, while executing a right, punch with a forefist to D.

Pa-ro: Move the right foot back to the Ready stance.