Pattern Diagram Choong-moo

Choong-Moo was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (Kobukson) in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine. The reason why this pattern ends with a left-hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality, checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king.

Movements: 30

Ready stance: Parallel ready stance

  1. Pivot on the right foot and turn counterclockwise; move the left foot toward B into a right L-stance while executing a twin knife-hand block.
  2. Move the right foot toward B into a right walking stance while executing a high, front, strike with the knife-hand, bringing the left backhand in front of the forehead.
  3. Pivot on the left foot and turn clockwise; move the right foot toward A into a left L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  4. Move the left foot toward A into a left walking stance while executing a high, front, thrust with the flat fingertip.
  5. Pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward D into a right L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  6. Pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, lift the right foot into a left bending ready stance type A to C.
  7. Execute a right side piercing kick to C and at the same time execute a high, right, punch with the forefist.
  8. Lower the right foot to C into a right L-stance to D, while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand to D

Perform move 9 in a step-jumping motion

  1. Move the ball of the right foot to the side front of the left foot and then execute a right, flying side piercing kick to D. Land toward D into a left L-stance while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  2. Pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward E into a right L-stance while executing a reverse, low block with the outer forearm.
  3. Slip the left foot straight toward ED into a left walking stance toward E, extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent’s head.
  4. Execute an upward kick with the right knee to E, while pulling both open hands downward to the same level as the elbows.
  5. Lower the ball of the right foot to the side of the left foot. Then pivot on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward F into a left walking stance while executing a reverse, high, front, strike with the reverse knife-hand. Bring the left backhand under the right elbow joint.

Perform move 14 and 15 in a fast motion

  1. Execute a right, high, turning kick to DF, then lower the ball of the right foot to the side of the left foot with the right foot facing F.
  2. Execute a left back piercing kick to F.
  3. Lower the left foot toward F into a left L-stance to E, while executing a guarding block with the outer forearm to E.
  4. Execute a left, turning kick to DE.
  5. Lower the ball of the left foot to the side of the right foot facing E. Then pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, move the right foot toward C into a right fixed stance while executing a U-shape block with reverse knife-hands.

Perform move 19 in a jumping motion

  1. Jump and spin around counterclockwise, landing on the same spot into a left L-stance to C, while executing a guarding block with a knife-hand.
  2. Move the left foot to C into a left walking stance while executing a reverse, low, front, thrust with upset fingertip while pulling the left side fist in front of the right shoulder.
  3. Pull the left foot straight toward the right foot into a right L-stance to C, while executing a side, back, strike with the backfist to D, at the same time a reverse, low, block with the outer forearm to C.
  4. Move the right foot toward C into a right walking stance while executing a thrust with the straight fingertip pulling the back of the left fingertips under the right elbow.
  5. Pivoting on the right foot and turning counterclockwise, move the left foot toward B into a left walking stance while executing a high, block with the double forearm.

Perform both techniques in move 24 as regular speed

  1. Pivoting on the left foot and turning counterclockwise, move the right foot toward B into a sitting stance to C, while executing a right, inward, front, block with the outer forearm to C. Maintaining the sitting stance, execute a right, high, side, strike with the backfist to B.
  2. Execute a right side piercing kick to A, at the same time execute a right, high, punch with the forefist.
  3. Lower the ball of the right foot to A. Then execute a left side piercing kick to A, at the same time execute a left, high, punch with the forefist.
  4. Lower the ball of the left foot to A. Pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise, move the right foot toward B into a left L-stance while executing a checking block with an X-knife-hand.
  5. Move the left foot toward B into a left walking stance while executing an upward block with a twin palm.

Perform move 29 in a spot-turning motion – method one

  1. Move the ball of the left foot half way to the right foot and then pivoting on the left foot and turning clockwise and move the right foot toward A into a right walking stance while executing a rising block with the outer forearm.

While executing move 30 shout “Choong-moo” as a ki-hap and remain in this position until given the next command

  1. Maintaining the right walking stance, execute a reverse, punch with a forefist to A.

Pa-ro: Move the left foot back to the Ready stance.