Ch'ang Hon or “Blue Cottage” is the author’s pseudonym. The hallmark of this school is the combination of fast and slow, light and forceful movements together with extensive foot-work.
The name, the number of the movements as well as the diagrammatic representation of each pattern have a specific significance which symbolizes its namesake or relevance to same historical event.
General Choi Hong-Hi, the “Father of Taekwon-Do,” developed this set of patterns for Taekwon-Do which in Korean are called “teul.” As General Choi stated, “the life of a human being, perhaps 100 years, can be considered as a day when compared with eternity”. Therefore, there are a total of twenty-four officially recognized patterns in the art of Taekwon-Do, representing the 24 hours in a complete day, or one’s complete lifetime. The name, number of movements, and the pattern diagram or symbol for individual “teul” have specific importance. Each symbolizes factors such as a notable Korean King, an important heroic figure in Korean History, or an instance relating to a significant event in Korean History.
Ko-dang, which was a part of this patterns system is also included with reverence to the history of Taekwon-Do. Instead of changing its name, or its removal, it should be used to teach students about a part of Taekwon-Do’s history.
General Choi Hong Hi. Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do, Seoul, Korea, 1965 Daeha Publication Company pg.174.